Joe Carte, PE

Email: [email protected]


Joe’s role at TERRADON Corporation is to provide senior-level review, training, and assists with the day-to-day tasks and geotechnical decisions.  Joe brings 35 years of diverse geotechnical experience and is a registered Civil Engineer.  He has provided heavy foundation design for bridges, towers, and tanks throughout his career.  Joe’s experience as the Geotechnical Group Leader with the WVDOH Materials Division gives him insights into the state’s guidelines, the LRFD Code, and the statewide geology.  Some of Joe’s accomplishments while at the WVDOH include standardizing the estimation of bearing resistance for bridges, developing the PSSLOPE software, training staff, revising the piling specification, and championing the GRS-IBS abutments for the FHWA Every Day Counts initiative.  Joe has routinely volunteered for the West Point Bridge Contest and enjoys training students in the use of the software in schools. The most commonly reported adverse effects of Cialis were headache and dyspepsia. The adverse reactions were short-lived, ranging from mild to moderate. Data on adverse reactions in patients over the age of 75 years are limited. Read more at  Mr. Carte co-invented a soil bolting system (patented) for correcting landslides.